

Well I think I finally found my perfect BCR (Basal Caffeinated Rate) for optimum productivity. I am ONE, count it: ONE!!, task shy of being caught up on conference stuff. (That is, for today - let's not get carried away - there are of course about 400 million tasks remaining before it's all said and done...) I know, per-ty admirable.... Of course I have absolutely positively ALL of my latest chapter grades still to do for 1010 (supposedly by end of business today, yeah right) but whatever... What's that thing about taking your victories where you can?

Plus my chin is moderately clean, so I've got that going for me...

1 commentaire:

Jessica a dit…

clean chins are totally underrated.
So are clean window sills... with all the dust storms lately - well - "ick" doesn't explain it. And we know how un-house-clean-y I am and I had to clean it. Bleack.

Hope your weekend was great!!