

I survived, pretty much. I slept 14 hours Friday night and my feet are still not speaking to me after a week in non-Teva, non-Birk, non-Clarks hell. (Two different nights I came home and filled up a foot tub in the bathroom with hot water, grabbed a beer and my current Harry Bosch story for a good pedi-soak. Sammers found it alternately fun and disturbing that there was an extra body of water in the house to investigate.) I spent most of yesterday getting the house back in shape, which felt pretty good; even cleared and scrubbed both the kitchen and bathroom floors.

The cats are quite perplexed but nonetheless happy at my sudden quasi-omnipresence. Contrary to their norm, they get up from the seemingly deepest naps to follow me from room to room, then get comfy there just in time to have to follow me back into the first. Lucy has become quite the play-addict, doling out her You Will Play With Me Now meow announcement almost every hour. I think it's all a mix of appreciation of my presence and a carpe diem approach to same.

As for me, my spirit still suffers a bit but has promised not to hold a grudge as long as I make good on my vow to start writing my resignation letter tonight. Judging from their comments at the graduation reception P and A are both still firmly convinced I'll be a part of the '08 program, hence the necessity of a bona fide letter for P. Back to "just" teaching this year and of course tutoring and whatever else comes along which does not contain either an L nor an I nor a W.


2 commentaires:

Jessica a dit…

Whew. poor tootsies. Maybe you need a foot massage!! Not that I know of a place in Auburn to get one.

Did you send in that letter yet?

I think you need to make "only teaching" in bold script.

Susan a dit…

I know! women's leadership, women's schmeadership! I almost think changing female business footwear is a more challenging goal than getting a female in the White House. For that matter it could almost be argued that that is what is keeping women back in leadership positions! It's just like when people say that if men had to deal with the pain of childbirth, the species would have died out long ago... if men had to deal with having their feet subjected to lifelong morphing (and yet of course nothing compared to actual footbinding practices but that would merit a whole nother tirade...) either there would be workplace and wage equality, no question, or the footwear issues would have been worked out in the 19th century!

doing the letter today :) - and how - the most recent influx of conference email fallout went far in reminding me. bleahck!