See, really Lucy knows exactly how difficult a photo subject she is... Indeed, she takes pride in it... When I'm not in the room she sits around posing just to spite me. This time I caught her mid-vogue (complete with her tennis ball) and for some reason she took pity on me and stayed put til I got the camera. Then just as I was about to take it she tilted her head to top it off (of course my cats would have a highly developed sense of sarcasm - kee). "Oh I suppose THIS is how you'd like me to be when you are feeling all shutterbuggy?! Is THIS pretty? How about THIS?!" See how she taunts me?!
Meanwhile... this is how the three of us look pretty much all the time these days in the house:

We're hot!!!!
Today brought a slight reprieve - nicely cool after rain last night and it's staying overcast so far. Ahhhhh.
3 commentaires:
adorable!!! I love your kitties. Tell them aunt jessica will be there in a month or two to love on them. No furry heads to bet here. I am glad it is cool there. It is just getting hot as hell here. I can hardly wait to go to Hawaii!!
not to bet, to pet. Whoops. I am not trying to bet on your cats' heads. For one reason, I would surely loose as I have no idea what they will do next.
aren't they the coolest in the whole world??!! no argument on any pro-S&L comments here :)
oh yeah, we recently re-unearthed Lucy's favorite blue string so she is back to bringing it wherever I am and giving me her "Mrrrmph!" demand for play. also I got them a new toy from Petco last month - a plastic wand with a long fleece string attached (about 1" wide) - they get on either side of the bed and attack it in turns - very handy for when I'm reading at night but they want to play :)
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