

Can I just say, I’M SO FRIGGING SICK OF BEING STICKY AND TAKING 4 SHOWERS A DAY TO COOL OFF AND UNSTICK!!!!!!!!!! Thanks. Seriously. For some reason during Quiltstock ‘06 I didn’t mind being sticky and sweaty all the time – I guess because of being agreeably engaged doing something addictive. But this latest heat snap is driving me bonkers. At least the nights cool off slightly earlier than they did then but only slightly.

And this house is such a frigging steam room. I feel like everything in here is damp. The only stuff in my closet that doesn’t feel damp to the touch are the clothes I just took out of the dryer this afternoon, and they’re well on their way.

OK sure I could turn on the AC again, but then the livingroom is glacial and the bedroom gets only about 5 degrees cooler and at night it's hotter than outside. Gah.

Remember that spray-on athlete’s foot powder stuff when we were little? Why can’t someone invent something like that but for baby powder? I can never get it on my back in that one spot where your shirt sticks the most. Spray baby powder would be just the thing. If you go invent it, don’t forget my royalties.

2 commentaires:

Applecart T. a dit…

i'm sorry, susansansansan.

here it is faux fall. two days in a row. cold at night (for someone like me). windows open after $152 electric bill.

it's premature and making me depressed, however, and i have to remind myself that hot-ass weather is definitely coming back and that we did take a nice float trip last september. otherwise all i can do is lament the fact i went no where fun this summer, only got sunned once (and it made me sick) and that "no, it can't be fall, it can't be next year already!"

Jessica a dit…

I think they have baby powder lotion. Lotion that turns into powder thru some miracle of technology.
Would that work?

I am sooooo tired.
miss you.