Well there is a big part of August I'm not looking forward to of course :) but today and tomorrow will be good at least. I don't work til this evening and was up relatively early to get a few things done around the house before Daniel the bug man was due so it has been kind of an impromptu chill-out day, notwithstanding a few errands, some cleaning, work-out, and work tonight.
Sammers delightedly ran from window to window to watch Daniel spray outside and then followed him around the house as he made his indoor circuit, but not too close for my catmom comfort. He is crazy about Daniel and always has been. Daniel is much more your general southern dog guy but Sam is determined to win him over (and pretty much has). Wackiness.
Tomorrow I'm off all day. Lots of errands to do and at least a little office time :( but hopefully our slight cool snap will endure. In the wee hours with the windows open and the fan on the last couple of days I even needed to pull my Fabulous New Quilt up over me!
A propos, it is all stitched and washed and spread out quite prettily on my bed. I'll post pix from the office in the next few days, never fear. The cats and I are enjoying it immensely. It is such a nice summer weight and is incredibly soft, too! One of the coolest things, honestly, was watching it in the frontloader at the Thach Hut (one of the books said that's the best way for machine washing of quilts). It was better than TV. Kind of like watching one's child take it's first swimming lesson... I was so excited every time it came around in the washer window (and seemed still to be intact :). I made that!!! veddy veddy fun.
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