
uh oh, no but really UH OH

We're wireless! At home! I still see this as a slightly sci-fi idea, being able to connect to the internet whenever wherever I want. Crazy. One step away from Picard calling out, "Computer!" with that rich voice, "Enable auxiliary power!"

That's me in another 20 years, tho the voice will be more squeaky than rich and it'll be, "Computer! Order me a pizza!"


Now that I'm wireless I have a humongous pile of work to do but I promise all my blog buddies will benefit from this newfound ether freedom just as much as I. Just give me a day or two to catch up from the last few days' computer settings/install hell.

2 commentaires:

Jessica a dit…

I'm commenting to see the magic happen.

waiting for it....


Man, I am going to call for Pizza.

Susan a dit…

nyernt nyernt :)
pizza is always good for what ails you - esp. being soaked on the way home :) poor bunny