Lots of nostalgia going around here today...
Tell me again why college-age kids here in super speedy cars drive like grandmas. No self-respecting 20-year-old Tucsonan much less a Clevelander would be caught dead driving a fancy schmancy sports car thru town at 5 miles under the speed limit. I think this might be the surest proof yet that this country is heading downhill as soon as this generation gets into power. Not that I want a bunch of speed-demons in charge of the government and commerce, but at the same time this driving behavior makes me think they're all extraterrestrials. It's just not normal.
Also, someone please tell Auburn drivers that unless marked otherwise you CAN turn right on red. In particular please tell the people who wait and wait at College and Thach, and then when their light is finally green and I have my little white walking guy, they glare at me like I'm delaying them from their day... even tho they could have turned about 300 minutes earlier!!
Talladega Nights tonight with Brig and Troy and John C. Pretty standard Ferrell Fodder. At first I laugh my head off and then it just is too over the top tho I do giggle and elicit the periodic guffaw for the rest of the time, and it's certainly not boring. Elf is still my absolute favorite of his movies - I think he still knew how far to go there or something. He's incredible in Winter Passing, too, if you haven't seen it; beware, it is not at all his normal genre.
Anyway, despite John's impromptu mooching of my popcorn (jk) we had fun because we are all pretty fun people, plus we did ice cream after. kee.
Which (the ice cream) makes it doubly good I worked out this morning because I had a milkshake from Chick-fil-A this afternoon, too, I just remembered.
I think I might have food amnesia.
So Sam’s tastes re: people seem to be becoming less and less discriminating… or else all the new people who have been in the house in the last few months are simply increasingly cool and Sam’s meter is more finely tuned to this than mine… Not that anyone has seemed unworthy at all… Last week Sam was going crazy rubbing all over Mike the cable guy’s legs. Mike assured me it was fine but if the install had taken much longer it might have become embarrassing. Roughly the same treatment he gives Daniel the bug man each month but this time he had a captive subject rather than someone walking briskly thru the apt. Anyway Sam has always been fairly social but now I’m starting to see distinctions. With women he seems mostly to go for feet (although this could be because all the women friends who’ve been in here in the past months have worn sandals which is of course not the case with Daniel and Mike), something which certain people (Lisa and Tiphaine) find unnerving yet delights others (Jessica). Still others he isn’t all that interested in after the first few investigative sniffs and rubs, like a few weeks ago when we had 2.5 new bodies for an impromptu French instructor/neighbor women margarita break. (The .5 was Joanna my new English-instructor neighbor who had been here briefly before.) Or else he was just showing respect for our chillin’ vibe... The other night for our girls' wine & cheese, he went for a few feet but I think he was kind of dazed by the sensory overload of numerous new feet, plus a coffee table laden with goodies, plus the new orange neighbor cat who had the nerve to recline on our stoop without permission.
Miss Lucy, of course, is just as discriminating as ever. She ventures out after new people have been there a good hour or more as long as it's not too uproarious and as long as everyone stays put instead of walking around.
So yes, very glad to say that three people-oriented question marks for this fall have turned out to be fairly promising. As I’ve mentioned, my new right-next-door neighbor is Joanna, an ABD English instructor (read: slightly older like us and fairly cool plus extensive time spent in the UK so there’s the basking element…) with 4 super cool cats. Adrienne, our new F/T instructor in my office, is quite fun, ABD also, has 2 big dogs, and is appealingly neurotic like all the best people. Adele, our youngest addition here in the Ross Cat Annex, is a biology grad student with one globe-trotting cat, and is younger than us but very laid back and decidedly not poofy-blond-coed-y. Obviously there’s something to be said for animal people, although of course it won’t hold across the board…
Thinking about 3 new blog projects: one of my Japan journal from 97-98, one of Mom's memoir stuff that I hand-published as a chapbook in 1996, one of Dad's memoir stuff which is awaiting considerable work still. This plus a couple of other gifties means the fall's creativity options are a tad overflowing, esp. when one factors in school and the store... I'm trying to be philosophical about it tho and just see what gets done instead of getting mad at myself in December... OK yes we'll see about that :) ...I think I'll dig in on the Dad thing either way.
What really got me thinking about the Dad thing again is I scraped my left ring finger the other day. Most of you know I usually wear Grandma Booth's wedding ring there plus a couple of little important Susanrings. Well it's too sore to have rings on it so the last few days I've been wearing Dad's wedding ring on my middle finger instead. The latest really cool effect of losing weight this summer is that my fingers, esp. with Dad's ring there, really look like Dad's. Hence, Bonjour la nostalgie.
Anyway there is MAJOR editing/formatting/organizational work entailed in the Dad project. Much more than when I did Mom's. He wrote almost all in caps for one thing with very little punctuation... kind of stream of consciousness, or more accurately, just the way he talked. So there's a lot to chew right there. Add in the fact that even tho he did his on computer, this makes it less organized than Mom's because he duplicated lots of pages everywhere and even duplicated passages of all different sizes (I think partially due to the Parkinson's) so you'll be reading along and realize he's copy/pasted something you read 10 pages earlier into the current paragraph... It's still really cool of course that both my parents left these stories and thoughts behind, so I'll get it done somehow eventually.
Usually the machine-gun entries aren't so bulky!
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