If you can't say something nice, post a fun cat picture. :)
I seem to have hit the mid-mester funk, where the novelty (ha!) has worn off and I'm behinder in work than ever and the end seems still quite far away. Furthermore as of yesterday we had to turn on our heat at home due to this all-too-early arrival of autumn cold and I can't believe I'm already faced with the annual 4 months of chilled-to-the-bone-ness in my little non-insulated Alabama apt. This is of course quite laughable, growing up as I did in the Snow Era in north central Ohio and now finding myself in a clime which no self-respecting Ohioan would ever refer to as much more than brisk; what can I say, guess I'm pretty much totally acclimated these days, temperature-wise if not culturally and politically. Of course in Ohio I never had a house like this, where during the day in October you're colder inside than if you were sitting in the yard. Basically except for September and March-April, my apt. has two temperatures: freezing and melting. Once it enters either the F or M phase, we're there for the duration, and no amount of winter afternoon sun or cool night air, respectively, is sufficient to make it comfy in here. Insulation Schminsulation! Plus of course it doesn't help that my heating and cooling options in here all date from the 70's...
Bitch bitch bitch... Today's mood is being further enhanced by a killer headcold. Thank goodness for drugs and Emergen-C.
Anyway it figures that right after beginning Thursday 13's I enter a phase of little or no blogging. Bad Susan. Also no time lately for anything creative, despite quitting the store. Hopefully after the current grading onslaught I can take a day or two for major cooking or something so my spirit is better nourished.
Obviously I have it much better off than millions of people in the world but right now I'm obviously quite entrenched in wallow city. Sick of grading, not excited about my job (UOTY), freezing, fuzzy-headed and achy. I promise to aim for an attitude adjustment tomorrow.
1 commentaire:
The more things change the more they stay the same! I am cold too (but we could be warmer if we turned the heat up, and wanted to spend more money) and am not thrilled with anything here in VA either.
Thought about making homemade soft pretzels but I lost my energy when I came home. Then of course my upstairs neighbor woke me up at 11:30 and here I am.
I think you were pretty optimistic one one front though... the 70's! I think your square is more along the lines of 50's heating. haha!
love the cats, as usual. Tell Miss Lucy I have a string to mail to her.
haha word verification is bheir. be here! how zen.
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