I admit it, without TV I miss some stuff, but news-wise NPR takes care of me and otherwise, who cares? When I do catch the occasional inkling of what most media in this country think of as news it just makes me feel bad anyway. Case in point was today's brush online with recent attacks on two people I highly respect. Now John Kerry can take care of himself and, as far as I can tell, is doing just that. Michael J. Fox can take care of himself as well of course but I'm still greatly insensed by the latest onslaught by Rush Limbaugh, who has aimed his capacious bullshit machine at this giving and noble person.
In a perfect world all of us whose lives have been impacted by Parkinson's Disease would be able to put him in a room of video screens and surround him for about 3 weeks with home movies of the various stages of PD's ravaging so he could, in future, better judge the real and horrific effects of this disease. Certainly it would make him no more respectful, that's too much to hope for. But perhaps he would at least have to admit to himself secretly that not only would no PD sufferer ever want to pretend to be sicker than they were but at some point in each of their lives (unfortunately at present altho perhaps thanks in large part to MJF's efforts this will not always be the case) they do indeed reach a level of illness where treatment for tremors and other complications has been exhausted.
In a truly perfect world, Evil Willow would put Rush out of all our misery.
"Off his medication" indeed. Who would know better about that than an unscrupulous, egomaniacal, and lying megaloconservative sound bite monster? As far as I'm concerned, this person has been off his meds his whole life.
If you don't know what he said, go pretty much anywhere online and you can't miss it. Forgive me for not linking it. It's hard to do html hotlinks when you're fighting back bile.
2 commentaires:
Actually, wasn't Rush Limbaugh on medication he didn't even have a prescription for? Like painkillers of some sort that he got caught with?
I don't know how that guy sleeps at night. For shame.
right, and from an oxycontin (illegal) user who got off from all the law he preaches against el crack heads, etc.
more than one toke over the line.
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