
Thursday 13, v. 3

13 things I was going to do with all my time after quitting the store

1. sleep more

2. exercise (again)

3. eat better (i.e. cook good stuff again)

4. get schoolwork done on time

5. write more

6. moisturize

7. sort the 3 boxes of waiting-to-be-sorted papers in my room

8. fall cleaning

9. practice piano

10. read more

11. figure out what to do with my life (again)

12. get creative (again)

13. make sourdough (again)

In short, find equilibrium, health and contentment... Of course it's only been two weeks officially...

4 commentaires:

Anthony a dit…

I could go for some of #1.

Anonyme a dit…

How can you live without plenty of naps?!

Caylynn a dit…

All of those sound like good things to do. :) Especially exercise. :) I couldn't survive without my daily workouts - they give me energy and help me get through the day.

Happy T13. :)

Unknown a dit…

I need to exercise more but it doesnt happen..Hope you got most of those done

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