
$$$ con vino

Well not really $$$ but at least $. Michelin money came thru today from February's work. OK yes I bitch about all the tutoring but of course I must admit the paydays are nice (even tho I get taxed out the wahzoo on the Michelin stuff - grrr), and the current Michelin person is pretty painless to work with.

Even so, when something came up about March scheduling, my student John asked me when spring break was because he wanted not only to schedule a couple of extra sessions but he wanted to have a couple of DAYS where we worked for 6-8 hours at a pop..... Um. Yeah.... Absolutely. Out. Of. The. Question.... He was puzzled that I was hesitant to go for it. Oh my god can you imagine how brain dead I'd be after 6 hours, let alone 8?! Yikes375. I did agree to an extra 3-4 hour session somewhere that week but Geemony Christmas, if I'm going to spend 6 hours tutoring the same person, you might as well just sign me up for a lobotomy right now and save us all a lot of time.

Anyway no news today - pooped pooped pooped as usual. I'm all caught up on 1010 work (scary!) but have a huge WooLI thing to do over the weekend. Eagerly looking forward to it of course as you can imagine....

Happy St. Pat's or happy Bacchus revisited. As for me I think I'm going to have some wine later instead of green beer.

2 commentaires:

Jessica a dit…

You mean you don't want to spend two days of your spring break teaching French? I thought you loved Teaching French! I mean isn't that what you do? I don't see why you didn't just jump for the oppurtunity to teach more French! An entire day! It would be like a convention for two!

okay so all that was said in a sarcastic tone. Wow. Usually when I hear someone is on break I think "I wonder if they want the week off from teaching me?" not "That must mean they are free for me!"


Susan a dit…

I know! crazy man - during last night's session he realized he would be too busy to set up any extra times over break anyway so yay! :) altho of course I should be thinking of the money... but holy cow!