
The Late Great Brake Booster Drum

Well, easy come, easy go, as they say... Suffice to say that all but $21 of my Michelin money from Friday was promptly allotted to Hal’s getting a new brake booster drum. I was literally in the bank drive-thru Friday afternoon to cash a teensy bit of the Michelin money and go buy some shorts (livin' on the edge!) when BOOM! the car lurched forward and the brake pedal jumped up really hard under my foot and I was left with almost no brake hydraulics and a nice hissing sound anytime I used them… off to Franklin’s on a wing and a mantra. They were able to finish it the next morning (this is me being positive!) and Lisa was very nice to come pick me up (whereupon we went shopping anyway a little plus Chappy’s who BTW has decided to do a very weird new thing to their burgers but I digress…) So a Glass Is Half Full person would experience this and say, “The money gods were with me today! Michelin money just in time for this repair instead of having to charge it!” I of course am not, strictly speaking, always, completely, necessarily, a member of the GIHF Team, however, so my reaction was more like, “Shit, just when I have some money, and have been so good for MONTHS, of COURSE I have to shell it out for an icky car repair instead of a little for something fun and then put the rest aside for even more debt money this month, what the hell does the universe have against me?!”

OK well not really; that is, I was pretty adult about it, just disappointed, but sincerely glad that the Michelin money was there to use at least...(Yeah, well, if I actually had healthy, less woe-is-me perceptions no one would recognize me… So there’s that.)

Poor Hal. Everyone please send lots of health vibes and think of him. He needs to make it another couple years (yes, I know I said that two years ago…) This is not a completely selfish goal; I truly believe that his next abode is quite likely to be far less nice than the current one. Perish the thought, knock wood, etc....

1 commentaire:

Applecart T. a dit…

oh, hal.

my "car" is 15 and has never heard of brake boosters, but now that it knows such a thing is possible, i'm sure it shall divert all deviousness away from the oil-dripping pasttime and try for it.

good thing you didn't tutor for 20 hours last week during spring break (or is it currently in effect?), then you'd have to buy a new starter or something, too.