Well most of you will not find it surprising that I often am tempted to start a gripe list in addition to my sidebar thankfulness list but I’m trying to be positive these days - well as positive as possible or more positive than normal, whichever is easiest depending on the day… Anyway if I were to start a gripe list, today’s entry would concern the fact that someone has decided to encroach on my dept. lounge fridge space! Back off! There is plenty of room in that fridge and since I was the first person EVER to put stuff into the little mini-shelf which holds my diet pops and my Kroger Slim-Rite cans
other people should know to frigging put their stuff elsewhere. If there are no other fun mini-shelves to claim I guess you’ll have to claim a back corner of one of the main shelves or something since they are COMPLETELY EMPTY. For crying out loud. No frigging respect.
4 commentaires:
shelf pirating! inexcusable.
our office refrigerator is a testament to laziness. no one removes anything. not even if it is yogurt left by an employee who hasn't worked here since august. . .
in fact, i ate the last three slices of her january 2006 kraft american singles this week (and didn't die).
i threw out the dairy products in january, but it was really funny to see how long it lasted without anyone's caring.
we have space to spare, as you may have guessed.
Offices are wacky. Our little mini fridge used to pretty much freeze over before anyone defrosted it. I did it twice and then gave up.
When I worked at the cable station, a friend made a poptart in the toaster and had to take a call. When he got back, some one was eating it! And when he said, "hey that was mine" the guy replied "I didn't see anyone watching it, so I guess it's mine now".
Atleast no one has stolen your beverages yet! But I agree that you can't just be stealing someone's area. I think you should move their stuff.
you can always just start poisoning things. . .
wait, that would qualify as my hiding a needle.
(referencing sus's awesome and inspiring and "wish i thought of that" quotes on the sidebar. . .especially feel inspired by ms. austen. i write long letters!)
: )
yeah, um, t., this would be the fridge which contributed to a wee stomach episode earlier this winter, yes? :)
you are so funny - _you_ have way more innovative stuff on your blog than a quote list plus you can do a quote list anytime - I hereby share my patent on the idea :) (I'm more psyched about the thankfulness thing right now - esp. as I haven't added come across or added any fun new quotes for a while)
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