Thanks to Tracy for reminding me, in a roundabout way, of The Quilts of Gee's Bend... In case you didn't know, they're going to do a stamp sheet of the Gee's Bend quilts! Here's another view where you can get the close-up. I'm psyched some of them are the ones we had here so that's pretty cool. Anyway be on the lookout! I had seen them on the little PO poster where they show the year's stamps and half thought I was imagining things. Anyway: FUN! (There is also a Katherine Anne Porter one coming that is exceedingly nice btw.) Then I was just playing (procrastinating on the stinking speakers emails I need to get ready and send today for WooLI of course) and on the Quilts of Gee's Bend site they have a fun GB quilt gift certificate you can buy for people on your gift list (usable anywhere just like one of those VISA cashcards or whatever) and part of the proceeds support the quilting collective!!
Oh yeah, here's the cool moth postcard stamp I mentioned before. It is tremendous, plus is the first Really Fun postcard stamp we've had in ages I think.
So there. I guess I really do have to work now. Meeting with P this a.m. proved surprisingly fruitful and only about 30% as drive-crazying as usual so if I put my little worker bee outfit on now and keep it on all day I'll get out of here at a decent hour AND not have to come back the rest of the week. Crazy: actually having time off during spring break! Go figure.
*I'll get pix of two or three other moderately fun ones soon to post... Not exactly rocking the world with my throwing lately, sigh... Might go better this summer when I am no longer distracted with certain icky stressful time-consuming jobs... :)
Merci à Magritte.
3 commentaires:
oooh, I love it!!!
I love the colors and the handle. you are such a great handle maker. I never could make good handles and I snaped some off when I was packing off of one of my vases.
I know for sure pottery is not my thing even though it is relaxing (or was it maddening?)
I think it was both for me.
On the stamp note if you have the extra moola when they come out with the quilt stamps can you buy a sheeet for me? I doubt we will get them over here.
absolutely on the stamps! just see if I don't! :) (the caffeine finally hit I think...)
and tks for the mug comments - I think it's almost my most fun mug ever - Dean sent me hard copy pix of all my pottery that I gave him and there are 3 or 4 fun mugs in there - I'll have to scan them one of these days...
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