It’s funny because Sam and Lucy are not generally burrowers. Sam enjoys the occasional bent-humanleg duvet tent for napping and playing hide & seek with his sister of a Saturday lie-in morning, but neither of them has ever gone under the duvet on their own just to sleep before (unlike Lola in Cleveland whose whereabouts during the day were regularly relayed by the solitary lump under the blankets smack in the middle of the bed).
Anyway as usual Sam Henry was quite content to stay put for the photo op, unlike his squirmy sister. Squirmingness is why I always have more pix of the former. It truly is not because he does fun stuff more than she. In fact it’s probably quite the reverse, but it is next to impossible to get Lucy to sit still. Even when she is induced to stay in position with most of her body, she is constantly trying to smell the camera or your hands or the air or she is simply bobbing her head around to get various angles on you, the camera, one of their furry white mice she just noticed on the floor behind you, or whatever imaginary birdies are flying around her head.
Either that or she’s a phantom and I’m the only one for whom she is tangible. That would be a fun way to explain the blurry pix – they’re like those Victorian fairy pix, you know? And really when both she and Sammers are in the front window it’s even more believable that she be a specter, as you see a faint cat outline, with her eyes and just a few flecks of gold and white floating around within. So next time you're at our house, if you suddenly hear purring around you, don't worry, it's just Lucia giving you some ghostly kit love.
It's getting worse, isn't it... I really am going to be one of those shameless old cat ladies... I guess there are worse fates...
1 commentaire:
Aww, I miss the Cheshire cats! Now you see them, now you don't!! I wish they would appear here to give me a meow!
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