
TP woes

Am I the only one surprised that there has not been a general outcry by environmentalists about those mondo toilet-paper holders in public restrooms? Or maybe I’m the only one who can’t seem to get a normal sized amount of paper off of them…

1. the roll thing keeps revolving and an extra 2 ft of paper comes down (and ours here in Haley only have a slit for the paper to exit in the first place so there’s no reaching up and reversing the roll to take up the extra)
2. due to the angle and the inefficiency of the little serrated cutting edge, combined with the astounding resilience to tearing of the paper and the substandard perforation between sheets, it is virtually impossible to tear the paper without an extra 70% or so of unneeded paper coming along
3. even w/o all these problems, it would be generally necessary to get a little more than one’s normal dole because the perpendicular angle also makes it very difficult to arrange the paper as one is accustomed (I speak as a folder with slight wad/roll tendencies)

I swear the only things these roller contraptions potentially save is custodial exasperation at having to refill the old little rolls since obviously a large roll takes longer to use up than 3 or 4 little ones, even with the above problems. Someone should do a comparison study tho about actual paper consumption; I should be quite amazed indeed if usage comparisons didn’t show that the little rolls actually compel less paper waste.

2 commentaires:

Jessica a dit…

well being in Asia right now, I say "more toilet paper! More!" and even louder I want to shout "I need napkins bigger than 2x2inches! I need napkins thicker than 1/2 the thickness of toilet paper! Especially when eating things that are saucy!!"

More! more! Just say yes to paper products! Say yes to liquid soap in public restrooms! (why is it that bar soap cracks and gets dirt in the crack, and since it is soap is that dirt clean or am I wiping 100 people's dirt on me when I am trying to clean up in a public restroom!?)

yes to paper towels in restrooms! Waste more paper and liquid soap!! DO IT. GIVE ME SOME.

(maybe there can be a happy medium btwn here and the states?)

okay. tantrum over... but I can hardly wait to get back in the states where there are napkins that can keep you clean and toilet paper aplenty and beautiful sudsy liquid soap.

Applecart T. a dit…

in japan you could pretty much count on having to bring your own handtowels everywhere. could byo-soap, too. and tp. like in mexico it was useful to do, too. . .

i hate "modern" "convenient" toilet paper rollers, too. i know exactly the kind sus speaks of. . .they require two hands, are hitting your knees and have thin paper that makes you want to take more anyway.