So! I am actually quilting now. That is, the piecing is done and I put the top and the batting and the backing together and am now actually stitching seams all over everywhere to make it Quilty. The three pieces together are called the sandwich. And I have to say it is looking yummier and yummier...
Anyway so as not to overload you (altho the coolest thing about blogs is you can just ignore them anyway) with pix and commentary in one entry I'm breaking up the photos and tidbits into a handful of entries, to read or ignore at your leisure.
So as I was almost ready to start planning my actual layout (which would have been much easier had I simply chosen 4 fabrics for my Four Square Quilt but I was using a bunch of different stuff, all of which basically broke down into 4 tonal families, to greater or lesser success depending, but... again my first quilt - a learning process!)... Anyway just before starting the layout I was quite dismayed because a lot of the fabric looked kind of icky once I had it sewn in block pairs, one tone family in particular:

The other batch of pairs was incredibly bee-yew-tee-full however so I was only half dismayed:

Or another view (standard Susanphoto Blurriness Disclaimer applies throughout all Quilting entries of course):

Doubtless not many of you will be as critical of the so-called less attractive pieces as I am but that's as it should be.
Anyway this complicated my layout plans because then I was stressing about where to put the "ugly" pieces so that the prettiest things would be featured most prominently the better to distract from the ugly ones... Then I had a brainstorm! (Now you have to read the next entry - I know the suspense will be killing you.)
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