
more fun purply beauty in the world

What I have neglected to tell you ALL SUMMER is the most exciting thing about this month:

new color in the Fiestaware family!!

Here's a hotlink but brace yourself because it is astoundingly attractive...


Oh yeah, s'what I'm talkin' 'bout... (insert whitey lip-bitey circle hands groove move here)

So at some point this winter if I get really bored I'll put my new heather pieces and my two dear purple pieces and a couple of plum pieces on my QUILT and take fun purply pictures. I might even wait til I'm in the throes of pie baking again and stick a blueberry susanpie in the middle, alongside my famous purple linen capri pants...

Can't think of any other purple stuff to include for added gratuitous dorky obnoxiousness and I no longer have Purple Rain so I'll keep mulling this over and get back to work.

Seriously the guac is coming. My first little semester crunch will be over tomorrow at 1pm. Patience!

3 commentaires:

Jessica a dit…

maybe purple flowers? And a purple pen and stationary set?

But it would be iteresting if you could get all 5 senses in there... taste the pie, hear the music, see the plates and quilt, smell the flowers, touch the computer screen of PURPLE!

all kidding aside, The new color really rocks. Although I did love that teal color .

Jessica a dit…

hey, me again. I had a dream last night that we were in college and lived in some dorms that looked like where you live now and I made some organic blueberry muffins. I gave you 4 of them because I had company coming to eat the rest.
Just thought you should know. They were, in fact, very tasty. I wish I really had some.

Applecart T. a dit…

what do they call the other purple they have then? (says incredibly ignorant non-fiesta-versed person who thought 'heather' looked just like the other plates her friends has)

i am full of comments.

i can't post, my browser keeps crashing when i am uploading photos. and i mean KEEPS crashing.