I know some of you are eagerly awaiting the guacamole recipe so I thought this would be good to post as a substitute Fun, Green Thing to hold you over. (Also 0 calories!)
Oh be quiet. It's either that or a pic of Kermit.
Well I do feel slightly lazy as of course I'm a tad behind on stuff for school but... I have been working a whole 'nother job in addition to school plus I have been helping our new instructor with lots of stuff plus I have been having lots of trouble getting to sleep at nights the last week or so which means I have had trouble getting up early enough and/or feeling rested enough to be super productive. Whatever... it'll all get done.
Holy Well-adjusted-ness, Batman.
Remind me: where's the line between being well-adjusted and just being, well, apathetic?
Guess I'll worry about that later.
Nyernt nyernt.
One of my students yesterday said I sound like Karen on Will & Grace so at least I've got that going for me. (One of the more fun comments I've had in recent years.) He later emailed to make sure he hadn't offended me, which was kinda fun, too.
On a feline note, last night Sam was stalking a flower on my bedsheet and I happened to wiggle my toe. This resulted in one of those cartoon all-four-legs-off-the-ground-at-once cat jumps like in Pepe Le Pew... "Um, Sammers, sometimes I move my limbs. I know it's hard to keep in mind when one is on dastardly flower-stalking detail but still..."
It was quite hilarious.
I promise as the semester gets going these thinking out loud slash journal-y entries will cease, or at least no longer be in the forefront. Meanwhile, um, deal with it :)
2 commentaires:
countdown until Thanksgiving break? Countdown until Jessica's 30th birthday?
Countdown until International Pirate's Day?
Countdown until Lucy/Sam Anniversary Day?
Countdown until next presidential election?
(btw saw funny bumper sticker yesterday - it had a pic of the white house and said "is it 2008 yet?" also saw one on a woman's car last week that said "I left stupid" which was even funnier and I meant to write to you about it but forgot)
those bumper stickers are a riot - esp the 2008 one - I might have to order one online...
tks hugely for the highly entertaining countdown ideas, the moreso since you're the only one who responds to such dorky requests... I might have to just default to countdown til the end of the semester altho the JBB bday is tempting... Lucy/Sam Day is coming up too soon to make a countdown fun... or maybe not since usually you have to wait a long time for countdowns to come to fruition... hmmmmmmm. I already have the presidential thing covered in the backwards bush link, altho thanks for reminding me I want to input it as a feature on the blog sidebar but keep forgetting. I"ll copy this ramble to an email for you as well... :)
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