Being a guacamole which originated with Oriol, who was from the DR & came to Tucson & shared it with Chris, who shared it with Susan, who has slowly tweaked the recipe over the years (i.e. so that it is garlicky and limey to a truly staggering but quite delectable degree)...
What you need:
Garlic cloves
Olive oil
Here’s the yummiest ratio---
1 avocado :: 1 hefty garlic clove :: ½ a lime’s juice
+ as much or as little olive oil as you like (avocados are pretty fatty on their own even tho it’s mostly good fat, so you could omit the oil if you wanted… I of course never do this)
Squash up the avocado meat however you like, mince the garlic as fine as possible, juice the lime right into the mix, plop your olive oil on top, stir it all up, distract the guests, eat as much as you can while they aren't looking. Done!
Extra tidbitty info…
---I usually use 1 avocado per person, which makes an ample amount and usually the cook gets some leftovers to eat. If you’d rather your guests eat it all up so that you don’t find yourself standing at the kitchen counter at 3am bingeing on the remaining guacamole, then go for one avocado to every two people.
---It’s good for it to be nice and limey so if you have trouble with efficient lime squeezing you might want to increase the ratio to include a whole lime per avocado.
---My favorite way to cut avocado (and eggs for egg salad, come to that) nowadays is with my handy-dandy pastry blender. This gives it a use during the months where it's too hot to make pie crust, plus it works exceptionally well for cutting soft, messy stuff up super fine.
---Oriol and Chris always added salt as well. I find it nice as is, plus if you are serving it with chips they are usually plenty salty anyway.
---Fun Rachael Ray tip via Lisa that Really Does Work: if your avocados are not soft enough, stick them in a paper bag for overnight at room temperature
---Fun Good Eats tip via John which I leave for you to test: if you get perfect avocados and then for some reason your guac gets postponed, put them in the fridge and they will stay Exactly That Ripe, tho not, I suspect, forever, so try to avoid science experiments... What am I saying? Who could possibly FORGET to make this scrumptious guacamole??!!
2 commentaires:
Ahhh, Guac. The best thing is that each person makes it to their liking. In Korea I had some sundried tomatoes and so I thought - why not? So now my recipe includes avacadoes, extreamely finely diced green bell pepper and sundried tomatoes (the non-oily kind), cilantro, garlic and sometime cumin if I have it.
That being said - I love yours too. In fact I don't think I have met a guac I don't like except for the kinds from delis where they put mayo or other weird stuff in it so it keeps its color and can last forever of a shelf somewhere. Bleck. I don't know why anyone would eat that - when making one's own is fairly simple and 1,000 times more delish.
can you tell I just woke up? Babble babble
Down with ready-made guac! I'm with you on that one for sure - very often scary. :)
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