

For some reason my browser is sick tonight, or maybe it's Blogger - anyone else having trouble traveling from blog to blog? I only make it thru to one out of every 4 blogs I click this evening without getting the "problem loading page" message. So if anyone reads my TT I promise I'll get back on the ball tomorrow from the office and read your lists.

4 commentaires:

Jessica a dit…

I was having problems with blogger last weekend where it wouldn't load up my pictures... and it wouldn't upload a post.

who knows why it does what it does.

Semi exciting day, went to IKEA... only problem's H. never lets me browse so it is way less fun than if you were here.

Chaotic Mom a dit…

Yes, I've had problems with Blogger. I'm thinking about changing my main blog to Word Press. But "at least Blogger is free" keeps me here for now.

Hope you do all you want after quitting the store! ;)

Applecart T. a dit…

blogger is like that, yes.
that and the scheduled downtimes can be a bore.

happy southern voting.

Scribbit a dit…

It seems to go off from time to time, I keep thinking about switching to Beta but am worried about all those "known issues" they list and then I chicken out. Technology is great until it doesn't work properly.