
Thursday Thirteen, v. 4

13 Tolerably Clear Views of My Wee Abode

Someone was apologizing a few weeks ago for always posting pix as their TT (I forget who, sorry :) but I think it's a great idea and I'm borrowing a page from their book this evening as, tho I'm out of my early-autumn funk at last (yay), I'm still in the Countdown to Thanksgiving Semester Crunch. Besides these will give you a really good idea of who Susan is, which is one of our TT goals, n'est-ce pas?

1. Possibly my most fun wall. Came together over several months' time thanks to a few rather serendipitous finds at Mission Thrift added to my World Market mirror on the right.

2. Just beneath the mirror wall is my wee fun sideboard. The weird shiny thing on this end is sticky tape to dissuade Miss Lucy from scratching. How's your snack, Sammers?

3. Rather blurry view of the piano - which is good because when I took these I hadn't dusted in forever.

4. Fun Dean Gandy Original Bookcase based on a Crate & Barrel design if I recall correctly. This is not a super attractive picture but I'm very proud of my having been able to make this skanky old air conditioner even slightly less of an eyesore. In front of it is a hand-dyed placemat from Okinawa when we were there in the AF when I was little. When I moved in you could see light on all four sides of the unit, on one side you could see about an inch of light. So Susie Compulsive encased it in white duct tape - huge aesthetic improvement and cuts down on uninvited guests. This is one of a long list of things the landlord has yet to see which may or may not make him happy...

5. One of the more cool things about my teensy apt. is the built-in furniture. This bookcase in particular is great for keeping all my pottery (mostly by Yours Truly, a few from Japan or other potter friends) and all my family/friend pictures out of feline reach

6. (Sidenote, dontcha just love ctrl-z? I accidentally deleted this pic but now it's back! It's magic I tell you!) Some day I will take another pic of this wall to do it better justice. Now that I think of it it is tied for most fun wall. Particularly fun (and particularly blurry) is the oblong tan thing you see one row above and to the right of the Japanese mask. It is the top of an antique set of children's alphabet blocks. No, I didn't tear the box apart - I found it that way at Iron Horse, our too-expensive but now defunct little antiques dealer. Anyway trust me, it is extremely cool. Other stuff here is from my family, childhood and some other antiques quests to Angel's Antiques (much more reasonably priced). Another FDG bookcase to the left, custom made to my specifications.

7. One of my less busy design concepts, featuring a really really cool engraving of a country scene in a really cool ornate but not Scary Ornate frame (of which maybe someday I'll show you a close-up) and my noren from Japan made from kazuri, which is hand-dyed indigo cloth traditional to the area where I taught on Kyushu. Noren are usually placed in doorways over there, but I like mine here.

8. Now I'm thinking this might be a boring shot compared to some of the others. There's part of my fun ladder-back chair which was one of a handful of things I saved up and bought for myself for Christmas last year at Angel's. I forgot I took these during quilt season 2006 - so here, those of you who were with me then you can see where all the quilt magic happened (and why I was ready to pull my hair out at times due to the non-ergonimic-ness of my workspace!) This wall is opposite the mirror wall and sideboard... and lo & behold: two more wall decorations here I should show you in close-up sometime...

9. What can I say? I like to alter my surroundings! I put in this FANTASTIC pot rack last Thanksgiving. Does it rock or what? It's supposed to be for closet/laundry room organization but it was the only shelf unit I could find that would fit this teensy weird space. Much better than the scary naked drywall that was there before. I don't really like the T-L poster here but it adds some color to the kitchen. To the right is another box part - this time an antique peach crate end from Angel's. It has Kewpie-type figures dancing around giant peaches in case you can't see. Pretty fun.

10. FDG Original Whatnot holding a gazillion other trinkets, mostly from childhood or Japan, out of feline reach.... and collecting tons of dust I noticed the other day. The Ansel Adams is in an FDG pine frame and below it is a Jessica original papercutting of a chrysanthemum. The big fan you might think is another Japanese tidbit but in fact it's from Madrid when I was there the first time to study in 1981.

11. This pic doesn't look interesting at all now but at least it proves I am not compelled to fill every inch of my surroundings with whimsical trinkets! Plus, nice view of our mini catnip garden.

12. Again altering my surroundings - a medicine cabinet is probably strange photo fodder (fun alliteration) but I painted the inside blue when I moved in here. It was quite rusted and the landlord said, "OK, paint it but don't go crazy." I decided this was fun enough for me but tame enough for him. (Of course he has yet to see the countertop in the kitchen which I painted bright red....)

13. Speak of the devil - you can just see a corner of the aforementioned countertop which used to be grey linoleum --the same you see on the floor, so... come on! Bright red is a definite improvement dontcha think? -- Anyway thanks to my fun pot rack this cart now gets to enable my mixing bowl and bakeware addictions. Hmmm... Do you think I'm addicted to color, too?

Have a great weekend everyone! Happy TT!

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!

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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

23 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

I LOVE your pictures...and your decore. It's very unique and a mix of old and new, which I adore.

I would shudder to post pics of my place..which is mostly a cluttered hodgepodge and a huge mess. Eeek! Someday maybe I'll actually decorate *g*

Thanks for visiting my TT!

kuanyin333 a dit…

Aloha Susan...mahalo for moseying by my blog...I LOVE photos...they tell such a story! Great posting! Blessings!

Natalie a dit…

Great pics! I could not share photos of my home right now - I've got boxes stacked up everywhere - we're preparing to move.

Anonyme a dit…

I'd like to see more of Sammers!

Tug a dit…

AWESOME!! You have some great ideas!

Girlie a dit…

Great idea! And the piano...is that Bach? I am just re-learning what I used to do with ease when I was young, back in the day!

Mine's up right here.

Happy Thursday!

Hen Jen a dit…

ooo, I liked your noran!
very neat idea, it does tell alot about you.

happy tt!
thanks for visiting mine!

Jenny in Ca

Nathalie a dit…

I love viewing pictures of other people's homes. I especially like your 'fun wall'. It reminds me of my grandmother's home.
It's very cosy!

Thanks for visiting my TT!

Caylynn a dit…

Lovely place. :) You have a great sense of colour and a flair for decorating! You definitely make the most out of your space. Thanks for sharing!

Happy T13. :)

Anonyme a dit…

you have a lovely home. thanks for sharing! my tt's up! ;)

Tink a dit…

I love pix-TT's! Thank you for the peek into your lovely home!
Thanks for visiting my TT. I didn't know there is a Bones book series, thanks for the tip. I really like the series and David Boreanaz is most certainly worth looking at. ;-)

Sonny a dit…

Nice Pics!

Greetings from Germany,

Carmen a dit…

i like the mirrors!

Unknown a dit…

those are great pics..you have great taste..im glad you did this one

Carrie a dit…

cool pics - maybe i'll be brave enough to take some of my house. if i can find 13 clean spots....
thanks for stopping by!

Kukka-Maria a dit…

You have a lot of framed photos! I'm inspired to get some of mine up on my walls!

Great idea for a TT! Thanks for stopping by mine!

Susan a dit…

Thanks hugely everyone for commenting - I started to think I might inflict this post as a repeat performance next week if no more people came to see it (I thought it a rather fun entry if I do say so myself - glad so many of you agreed!)

I've started answering comments individually on the originators' blogs these days thinking that perhaps like me people have trouble remembering to go back to where they commented all over cyberspace to see if blog owners commented back on their comments :)... today I'm crunching out a huge thing for my students right now so later today and over the weekend I'll get to everyone whose comments bear feedback - watch for me on your comments and thanks again!!! :)

Susan a dit…

ps also my crazy laptop at home stopped going online late last night (of course I was in the middle of the thing I'm crunched on now for school) so I'll be on the phone with Dell tonight and hopefully get it cleared up. aaaargh!!

Frances D a dit…

Thanks for stopping in.
And thanks for sharing your home with me. Great photolog. I like the kitchen corner and medicine cabinet best.

Scribbit a dit…

Looks clean to me!

Geekwif a dit…

I can't imagine life without color. A little paint can do wonderful things!

Jessica a dit…

Wow! Great pictures, It made me homesick! I miss visiting Your home. I am glad to see my little papercutting is still up! Yay! And I don't think I ever knew you painted the inside of the medicine cabinet. Hmm, it looks much cooler. Did I tell you that in the back of my medicine cabinet there was a rusty razor from like 1950... gross.

I have an e-mail from you to respond to, but since in an hour I am leaving to go to my parents.... It will have to wait until tomorrow evening. I did mail a letter earlier in the week so if should be there soon!!

Miss you!!

Applecart T. a dit…

wow, most comment traffic ever. (unless i missed something else.) nice to see your home. i am against posting ours, not because it doesn't have lots of color and decorative things everywhere, but it seems like then "some people" would "know too much."

there are some oddballs out there who are not that "out there" geographically, just strangers, really, and it worries me to give too much information to pre-tential (prehensile? potential? another word i made up, like pedumbstrians/stupidestrians) stalkers.