
Trevor & Celia & me

Well, not much going on here so no excuses for not having posted... Strike that, as I just remembered that on top of getting about 4 million things ready for my classes before Break so that I wouldn't have to worry about anything over Thanksgiving, I've also been highly funked (is that an oxymoron?) which necessitated many hours of couchtime, transfixed by my new favorite movie obsession Brief Encounter (the 1945 David Lean one not the 1974 remake).

I must say that if you are going to be totally depressed and watching a movie nonstop for days, you should pick something as entrancing and beautiful as this one. I might have to keep my Netflix copy long enough for my new one to arrive from Amazon...

Anyway I think I'm mostly out of my funk, plus since I really am caught up on work (crazy!) I can do lots of blogtime this week, in between all the gazillion things on my to-do list of course :) most of which are moderately fun, at least.

OK well my noon class is about to start (had EIGHT people in the last one so who knows? might have 2 or 3 at noon... stranger things have happened) so


1 commentaire:

Scribbit a dit…

Haven't seen that one! I love classic movies.