
Friday morning tidbits

  • Rain which will hopefully stop before tomorrow's kayaking trip.
  • Fun new Eddie Bauer outdoor/hiking-material skirt with fun little zippers, etc., on it which used to be a skort (page down to the little flowered one "UPF performance skort" - I got the dark grey tho) but I cut the shorts out of it. (Of COURSE I did!)
  • Haircut later which isn't really in dire need but will still feel good. We'll see if Maggie still has the magic touch.
  • French Table last night had 15 attendees which was great and everyone spoke in French even when there wasn't an instructor sitting by them.
  • I went to Subway across the street for late lunch/early dinner before going to the FT venue which might be my new Thursday night tradition (i.e. Subway before FT, which is already on the calendar as a weekly thang).
  • Lab lesson today with the more interesting/interested of my 104's for which the lesson plan is already done since I taught it Weds. for the other section.
  • Quiz today for the other sessions of 104 which has yet to come to fruition. (W/F I have a lab in the morning then both 104s; one 104 lab W and one F - they LOVE seeing me twice in one day! Well the more interested/interesting section actually may love it, the other perhaps not.)
  • Dead skunk out on 93 today which I am sorry about but nonetheless hope is the one which goes by our windows on his nightly rounds and permeates the entire house, even to the point of waking me up if I happen already to be asleep!
  • Very slight calming of my mood, outlook, what-have-you, plus small reduction in work as I've finished a couple of the bigger tasks this week, which means you all might actually get answers to your emails someday soon.

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