
'cause I didn't already have enough little things to worry about self-consciousness-wise...

I happened upon this thing in an online self-proclaimed slang dictionary... The entry was "teacher breath." Supposedly this is the noxious exhalation of those in education who are nursing coffees all day long... So now every time a student comes to see me or I'm close to someone in class right after my coffee I'm all paranoid and keep turning my face slightly away from them as I talk. Further motivation to budget time for teeth brushing before class, altho that won't always help if I'm mid-coffee and they come to the office...

3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

This is not isolated to classrooms, it permeates cubicle culture as well.

Jessica a dit…

well at least you don't have tuna-breath like my chemistry teacher. Nothing like chemistry class after lunch. ugh.

This is another reason I chew a lot of gum!

hahah,my word verification is "churfuls"- sounds like a new type of kids' toy.

Jessica a dit…

Haha my comment makes it sound like I'm taking chemistry class right now. I mean back in 1993. hahaha