13 stream of consciousness ripples from this evening
1. Fun rain smell reminding me again of sitting on the front porch at the farm watching rainstorms come across the hills from Hurlesses’
2. Panicking slightly at the momentary loss of arrow buttons plus Home and End on my keyboard
3. Feeling slightly paranoid about having left the car windows open even tho I know they’re closed
4. Finishing my Caramelo and realizing that I am almost always disappointed in Caramelos since I really find them too sweet but always buy them when I'm craving caramel despite the fact that the sweetness of the chocolate completely overpowers any buttery caramelness that ever dreamt of being there
5. Wow what a huge crazy big thunderstorm and that clap kind of impressively really did hurt my ears
6. Finally taking the Huge Flashlight outside to check the car windows even tho it has already been pouring for 10 minutes only to find them, of course, shut tight, and seeing my spider friend on the stoop, realizing he must be eating Very Well Indeed, and has now become the biggest spider I've seen since leaving Tucson (which is to say: colossal)
7. Laughing harder than I have in weeks at the "gigantic vagina" joke on the Ski Lift episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 5
8. Wondering about the keyboard thing and thinking it might finally be time to call Dell since the current list of mini-weirdnesses to ask about re: the new computer is close to critical mass
9. Vacillating for a while in between yoga clothes site drools and Larry because for some reason ever since my Desert Flower years I am loathe to kill spiders or even do anything that might slightly harsh their mellow
10. Drooling over the Eileen Fisher cocoon sweater on their online site and finally deciding to print a photo of it at school because it actually looks like it would be a pretty cool knitting project and it's a no-brainer that between yarn and effort I would come out far on the good side of the $338 that EF wants for theirs (wtf?! holy cow are there not about 400 gazillion companies/people on this planet who take themselves way too seriously?!)
11. Realizing that 4 weeks is quite long enough to cohab peacefully with gigantic spiders, especially since my spider heebie-geebies level has become bigger than my aversion to being wussy so finally took a big branch and, albeit gently, gave the spider and his web a little ride into the flowerbed beside the stoop
12. Deciding to switch back to Rolos next time
13. Being a little concerned about my spider karma and thinking that really someone with this many spider-killing issues probably needs to move back to AZ (unless, as per my standard disclaimer, I find a fun Frog or Brit first to whisk me across the seas)
Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
1. Cheysuli 2. Amy 3. Laura 4. Shoshana 5. Joy Renee | 6. Chelle 7. scribbit 8. interstellar lass 9.(leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!) |
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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25 commentaires:
I also love Curb your enthusiasm but I havent seen it in ages. I love your quotes on your page.You did a great job
Thank you for the visit. The woman is gettting all freaked out just reading about your spider issues. She hates spiders...
you can use either...its up to you! im more comfortable with xanga right now but TT are better with blogger
$338 for a sweater?
I like how your mind wanders.
thanks for viiting my tt this week.
You mean you actually left Rolo? Caramel and chocolate...yum!
welcome to the TT club. Last week was my first time.
we could start a club: Wandering Minds R Us.
I think you can find that auto link code here:
I haven't got the courage up yet to insert the code. I still tend to make a mess of things when I start playing in the HTML sandbox.
My "car window" thing involves the iron. I always think it's on when it's not.
I have all the CYE's on DVD (initial overload), so i'll have to go back and check that Korean thing out.
BTW, I only posted the link to the actual list. To read the others, click on the My Sick Mind title, and the whole blog will come up. I think there are 4 others.
LOL! I have spider issues also. But spidy's scare me!
Thanks for coming by and congrats on your first T13!
LOL at "gigantic vagina." I have no idea what the actual joke is but those words just made me crack up!! Great idea for a list and good luck with those spiders!
I hear you on the carmellos. Happy TT.
Stick with the rolos!
Depending on the yarn you buy and how much you need, that $338 might be a bargain! I've not made some projects because the yarn was going to be too expensive and I didn't have time to hunt down cheaper yarn. Great TT.
The spider karma stuff is just too funny. My secretary found one on her desk today about the size of a cake crumb. She got it to move onto a knife and took it outside. Now that is being kind to nature. Yucko!
I am not a fan of spiders either. There is a big one building a web on my dining room window right now.....eewwwww!
Thanks for stopping by my T13 today.
je suis tous a fait d'accord avec toi ls ricain sont egocentrique a part eux ils connaissent pas le reste du monde car ils croyent qu'ils sont ls seul o monde et ls maitre du monde.
The thing with the car windows cracked me up!
Happy TT!
wow, how can someone t. miss TT?
never heard of it.
well versed in spider saving, though.
no photo of giant vagina - i mean giant spider - before it was relocated?
Haha! I also have the same paranoia. I'd always check the doors and window though I know I've closed it.
Mine's up? Care to drop by?
Yeah, you know what, \/ this is me from now on! Those "big vagina" ladies are gettin' away with murder!"
No whammin', no slammin', no 'thank you ma'am."
But, do you really think a baseball could fit in there?
Which reminds me ... I'm missing one. I wonder if the ex still has a key?
Great list. Chocolate and caramel....now I am feeling hungry. I always have that paranoid windows down thing and have to go check them after the rain has started and I just can't stand it anymore. What causes that?
Thanks for stopping by, maybe I will get courageous and try curtain shopping again next week :)
Happy TT!
i have a spider phobia, myself. :)
OMG! I am laughing so hard at the questioning of the car windows and the second-guessing!
I do that all the time!
I love watching rainstorms as long as I don't have to go anywhere in them!
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