
Susanquilt '07 Report #2 - Piecing!

Well first I have a correction, I was not in fact completely done cutting the other day but I was in fact completely done with preliminary cutting. Thanks to the self-elected H.O.V. quality control director for the clarification. :) ANYWAY tho there are various and sundry cuts still to take place, piecing has begun!!!!!!! A lot of this quilt will be accomplished thru strip piecing, where you sew strips together, then cut them to piece further. This is much easier than the traditional (and wondrously worthy) method of piecing individual squares. Here are some views...

Bottom right: strips sewn together, which are then cut up as with left-hand pile and top right pile.

Those bits are then sewn together to make what we quilters (nyernt nyernt) call a nine-patch. Here are four different nine-patches made from my orange and landscape strips.

Close-up on a nine-patch.

Quite potentially beauteous, no?

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